Did you know that...
The extensive campus Clementinum is one of the largest building complexes in Europe and was originally built as a Jesuit college. As part of the sightseeing route, it is possible to look into the hall of the Baroque Library, which is often described as the most beautiful in the world. It was completed in 1727, and its still open collection includes over 27,000 volumes of mostly foreign-language theological literature. The hall is decorated with beautiful frescoes on the theme of science and art and contains several historically valuable globes. The next stop on the route is the Meridian Hall, where there are original astronomical instruments used to determine noon. The tour ends with the Astronomical Tower, which with its height of 68 meters guarantees an unforgettable view of the center of Prague and Prague Castle.
The visit is possible as part of regular guided tours, which are available in English and have a maximum capacity of 20 people. We guarantee a free place if you book at least 48 hours in advance (e-mail klementinum@prague.eu). You can also use the offer of irregular guided tours, which are usually every 60 minutes. You can find their current weekly program at www.prague.eu/clementinum. Please note that the reservation is binding. The reservation must be canceled (until 18:00 the previous day) otherwise it will not be possible to retake the tour. Thank you for not blocking the place for other visitors.
Klementinum 190
110 00 Praha 1
Nearest stop
METRO, TRAM Staroměstská
BUS Mariánské náměstí
Opening hours
daily 9:00 – 19:00
regular guided tour time slots:
9:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00
irregular guided tour time slots usually every 60 minutes
We guarantee a free place if you book at least 48 hours in advance (e-mail klementinum@prague.eu).
Admission price list
Regular admission
with the Prague Visitor Pass