Did you know that...
Great South Tower of the Cathedral was established in the 14th Century and today, at almost 100 meters tall, it is one of the highest in Prague. The tower houses the largest bell in the Czech lands, which is exceptional mainly for its relief decoration. The observation deck offers a unique view of the whole Castle complex and the greater city centre.
At the box offices of the information centers at II. and III. courtyard and at the Great South Tower of the Cathedral of St Vitus, you receive a one-time ticket for the Prague Castle. Don't forget to keep your ticket! Don’t lose time on your journey towards experiences! With the Prague Visitor Pass, you get a ticket directly in the TIC – Prague Castle and avoid the queue at the ticket office. The Tourist Information Centre is located in the 3rd courtyard of Prague Castle next to the Czech Post office on the left.
Třetí nádvoří Pražského hradu
119 01 Praha 1
Nearest stop
TRAM Pražský hrad, Pohořelec
Opening hours
daily 10:00 – 17:00
(last entrance at 16:30)
Admission price list
Regular admission
with the Prague Visitor Pass
Discount 50 %
Discount 50 %
Discount 50 %