Did you know that...

The Clam-Gallas Palace is one of the most important architectural monuments of Prague. It is a masterpiece of Prague Baroque architecture and is a great example of high Baroque living and the way of life of the aristocracy of that time. The Foundation for the Development of Architecture and Construction awarded the building the Building of the Year 2022 award.

It is a large building complex, essentially consisting of a four-winged Baroque building around a central square courtyard. Attached to it is a tower-like entrance bay on the axis of Karlova street, a stair tower at the north-east corner and an eastern wing at the rear tracts of houses forming the western front of the Male namesti square. The palace area also includes three smaller courtyards and a corner garden. The monumental external and internal form of the palace is the result of the construction of the building in the second and third decades of the 18th century and further alterations in the late 18th and 19th centuries.
Source: muzeumprahy.cz

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Husova 158/20
110 00 Praha 1
Nearest stop
METRO, TRAM Staroměstská
Opening hours
tour with audio guide:
Tue – Sun 10:00 – 18:00
(last entry at 17:30)
Admission price list
Regular admission
with the Prague Visitor Pass
Baroque, Painting
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