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The Zoological Garden of the City of Prague presents a vast collection of animals from around the world, exceptional natural backdrops and charming views of Prague – all within just seven kilometres from the city centre. It is no wonder that Prague Zoo has ranked among the most popular zoos in the world for several years now! Its 58 hectares boast 14 pavilions and over 5,600 animals of more than 680 species, ranging from insects, fish, turtles and snakes to giraffes, antelopes, tigers and lions. The pride of Prague Zoo is the Elephant Valley, where you can observe a large herd of Indian elephants including calves. Equally impressive is Darwin’s Crater, which houses rare “Tasmanian devils” and other species from Tasmania and Australia. Also worth note is the Rákos Pavilion of rare parrots showcasing its attractive and unique inhabitants.

But Prague Zoo offers many more attractive sights. These include the Chambal, home to the most endangered crocodiles in the world – gharials, the Giant Salamander House with the world’s largest amphibians, or the Gorilla Pavilion with a popular gorilla family, which will soon be moving to a brand new facility in the upper part of the zoo. Children will delight in the Bororo Reserve and other playgrounds, as well as the cableway, mini tram, wading pool or the Children’s Petting Zoo. The Prague Zoo was opened in 1931 and in the 90 years of its existence, it has become one of the most prestigious zoos in the world. As a modern institution, it creates optimal conditions for its animal inmates, giving them the opportunity to evolve the broadest range or natural behaviours. Visitors can thus get an idea of the animals’ lives in the context of their natural environment. The Prague Zoo also creates back-up breeding groups for species that are endangered in the wild, but where efforts are already being made to restore their population (or are likely to be made in the future). It also plays a growing role in in situ projects, which aim to protect animals directly in their habitat. Of the many, let us name at least the vastly successful “Return of the Wild Horses” project, for which the Prague Zoo won the prestigious WAZA Conservation Award from the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums in 2021, and the “Wandering Bus” project, which teaches schoolchildren in Cameroon, Africa, that gorillas are not meat on a plate, but rather fascinating creatures that need our protection.
Source: zoopraha.cz

Don’t lose time on your journey towards experiences! With the Prague Visitor Pass, you can get tickets at the Prague Zoo Information Centre and avoid the queue at the ticket box. Download the Zoo Praha app for free (App Store, Google Play) and discover an interactive map that will guide you through the entire area. In addition, you can find information about the animals, photos and all sorts of interesting facts. The app also provides a schedule of events and feeding times.

U Trojského zámku 120/3
171 00 Praha 7
Nearest stop
BUS Zoo Praha - Troja
Opening hours
daily 9:00 – 16:00
get your ticket at the Information Center
Admission price list
Regular admission
with the Prague Visitor Pass
Interactive Exhibit, Fun, Education, Adventure, Relax
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