Did you know that...
You can use the services of our official guides, who will introduce you to Prague during walking tours. Visit our current walking tour Medieval Underground (EN), with the capacity of each group being around 15 to 20 persons.
According to legend, beneath the city lies a labyrinth of ancient underground passages that connect the city from one end to the other. Join us to find out if there is at least a kernel of truth to this legend. Together, we will visit the medieval underground of the Old Town Hall, full of dark history, as well as other Romanesque houses hidden in the underground spaces of Prague. We'll discuss everything that usually goes unnoticed by unsuspecting Prague residents and tourists as we walk through the surrounding terrain.
Guides&Tours contact point (Staroměstské náměstí 1)
Please note that it is necessary to be there 20 minutes in advance.
Franz Kafka Square
2 hours
Tour route:
Old Town Hall Underground – Old Town Square – Malé Square – Linhartská street – Mariánské Square – Platnéřská street – Franz Kafka Square
Don't forget to register for the event through Guides&Tours at the Old Town Hall, by e-mail guides@prague.eu or by phone at +420 778 543 671! If you book at least 2 hours in advance, we guarantee you a free place. You can find a detailed schedule of walks in the Downloads section. Please note that the reservation is binding. The reservation must be canceled (always at least 24 hours before the planned tour) otherwise it will not be possible to retake the tour. Thank you for not blocking the place for other visitors.
Guides&Tours Office
Staroměstské náměstí 1
110 00 Praha 1
Nearest stop
METRO, TRAM Staroměstská
Opening hours
daily 15:00 (EN)
Guides&Tours contact point:
Mon 11:00 – 19:00
Tue – Sun 10:00 – 19:00
The walk is only possible after prior reservation via e-mail guides@prague.eu or by phone at +420 778 543 671. Tickets for all types of walks can also be picked up at the Guides&Tours contact point (Staroměstské náměstí 1).
Admission price list
Regular admission
with the Prague Visitor Pass